Jeremy Taylor

Jeremy TaylorI think that everyone has the right to food, and in this day and age, hunger should not still be such a critical problem. Unfortunately, this is not the case, and the problem continues to get worse. War, famine, disasters (economic, natural, and personal) all continue to threaten the food security of so many, and those with can become those without in the blink of an eye. As we have seen during the current pandemic, nobody is immune, and tragedy can strike anyone, at any time. With climate change looming over us, food shortages are likely to get much worse, as once-farmable land becomes too hot and dry. For all of these reasons, I am happy to support The Hunger Project through a gift from my estate.

—Jeremy Taylor, Athens, New York. Editor of Conservationist for Kids magazine with the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation. THP investor since 2021.